Tuesday, April 7, 2009

You know you're an architecture student when...

You know you're an architecture student when...

...you know the janitors by name.

...your roommates say "good morning," and you reply "good

...you carry a toothbrush in your backpack.

...someone asks you for your phone number and you give them the studios.

...you start paying rent for your desk space in studio.

...You total up 3 meals of the day to your breakfast.

...'Red Bull' is your favorite drink.

...all of the Christmas gifts you give are wrapped in trace.

...you ask Santa Clause for architecture supplies.

...you ask Santa Clause for a sleeping bag.

...after all of your expenses, you can't afford to pay attention

...you have 3 or more cups of double shot coffee espressos in one night

...you hear the same song on the radio 3 or more times in one night.

... You know the different taste between UHU and Peligom glue

... You can stay alive without sunlight, communicate with people nor having
foods but you would commit suicide if the plotter doesn't plot your work

...construction workers are already working.

...You've lost your house key and u realized week later

...you sleep more than 16 hrs at weekends

...u dance madly at 3 am though u aren't drunk

...you note smth with yr drafting pen

... You are an expert and Photoshop, illustrator and auto cad
but u don't know how to use MS excel

...you've got 2 subjects / day but u got to study it whole day

...you spend more time in studio than in your own bed.

...your parents are complaining that you're not having enough fun.

...you only leave studio to buy supplies.

...you haven't taken a shower in a week.

...you see showering as a waste of time.

...you've ever dreamt about your models.

...upon hearing 'supermodel', you think of a nicely crafted-foam core

...your parents have more of a social life than you.

...your 14-year-old brother has more of a social life than you.

...you consider using broccoli for your models.

...you enjoy hanging out at 'Home and Garden Fair'.

...you know all the 24-hour food places in the area.

...your friends get more sleep in one night than you do in one week.

...the streetlights turn off.

..You consider 3AM an early night.

...when you are out at 3AM, and people knows where you're at.

...everything you eat comes in single serving baggies.

...smoking sounds appealing.

...you're out on Friday nights in studio.

...the only building on campus with its lights on is your studios'.

...you say "It's only midnight- I have plenty of time to finish."

...you confuse sunrise with sunset.

...you ask what time it is, then ask "AM or PM?"

...you strangle your roommate because she said she stayed up late studying.

...your Friday night is 68 hours long.

...you know how much a cubic foot of concrete weighs (150lbs).

...you slice your finger, and the first thing you think of is if you'll be
able to finish your model.

...you understand why architects have glasses and white hair.

...You call some great architects as if they are you friends.
err... Frank... Tadao.

...you know all of these are true, no exaggerations.

...you can listen to all your CD's in one night.

...certain songs remind you of studio.

...you change the style of music to country coz u r fed up with POP

...Sister's favorite brand names are Prada DNKY etc... But yours are
Mastex, Staedtler, pentel, rotring

...you dare not to have a gf/bf coz no one can accept for what u are

...you can conceptually compose the food on your plate.

...upon hearing 'Weekends' you think of sleep.

...the 'Shop Cafe' closes when you arrive, and reopens before you leave

...you have to wait for breakfast shops to open.

...you go to the food shop, and order the "usual", and they

...you use architecture tools to eat.

...you only buy groceries once a month.

...you wake up to go to school and you're already there.

...you start wearing all black.

...you have no life, and admit it.

...you start to critique a radio selection's selection of songs.

...you bring your friends to studio to keep you company.

...you refer to outside studio as the "Real World."

..."going out to eat" is at the 'Shop Cafe'.

...going on a vacation involves going to 'Flax' or 'Pearl'.

...you confuse today and tomorrow.

...you tell time by when other people leave studio.

...you can write a 6-page term paper by procrastinating.

...you hear "Didn't you wear that yesterday?' followed by
"and the day before that?"

...you roommate files a Missing Person Report.

...you count the number of days (not hours) you've been awake.

...you think days are 48 hours long.

...you go to the store to buy a six-pack of 'Red Bull'.

..."Homecoming" happens once a term.

...you see your own picture on a milk carton.

...you start using words your instructor uses.

...your bed has collected a layer of dust on it.

...concept of time is not forward, but a countdown from the time a project is
due ("What time is it?""4 hours 'till").

...doing models all night long excites you.

...you know the people in the studio better then your roommates

...Red Bull pyramids are some of our late-night late

...They know the phrase "Always done, never done" all too well and
wish the professors would stop saying it

...They can always have more construction lines.

...They know the number and price of their favorite item in the snack machine
downstairs, as well as every other item and all the drinks in the other two

...you have sent messages on aim to another jackass architecture student in the
same room

as you are

...you don't find out who wins the Presidential Election until Thanksgiving
Break, if you get one at all.

...a break consists of moving your car.

...you use your T-square or straight edge as a baseball bat.

....the day has 2 sunrises.

....you test which glue will cause your model to burn faster.

...U can't draw without listening to music!

...when people tell you that they like walking around with you because you see
things know one else does.

...when someone says "icon" and you think of Louis I. Kahn.

...when someone says "eye candy" and you think of gratuitous details
on a building.

... When you're not sure what day of the week it is

... When you have slept straight through a day and into the next day after a
final review

... When lack of sleep makes you feel and act as if you are high

... When any flat surface is seen as a place to take a nap (underneath the
tables in the computer room (that's where it is the warmest), in hallways,
on drafting boards

... When you have to ask your fellow architects to give you wake up calls

... When you have three or more alarm clocks in your room.

... When cutting yourself with an x-acto seems like a good idea because it will
give you an excuse for not having finished your work

... When you go to studio and spend more time socializing than doing work

... When professors for courses outside of the architecture school are lenient
once they are aware you are an architecture student.

... You try to do things to make your friend laugh while he is presenting

... When you skip classes because you have too much work to do

... When writing a paper seems impossible and completely foreign to you

.....you lose your eyesight and you gain backache and neck ache

...when people stop you in hallways and say "hey, I like your beard"
and you realize that you haven't shaved in three projects

...when you start measuring all time segments in terms of "projects

...when you have nicknames for all your tools

...when you talk to all your tools like they're "real people" and
use their nicknames

...when you try to talk to another person and realize that you've invented
your own language and nobody else understands you

1 comment:

  1. :D:D:D:D:D sa interesante,per me teper te tera me kane ndodhur !
